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Creating Eco-Friendly Mini Planters from Toilet Roll Tubes

Hello, eco-warriors and green-thumbed friends! Today's DIY project is all about sustainability and creativity. We're transforming everyday toilet roll tubes into quaint, biodegradable mini planters that are as kind to the Earth as they are to your budding seedlings. Let's get started on this green journey!

Why Opt for Toilet Roll Tubes?

Toilet roll tubes are a fantastic choice for several reasons. They're not only abundant in most homes but also completely biodegradable. This makes them an ideal candidate for starting your seedlings with a touch of environmental responsibility.

Materials You'll Need:

  • Empty toilet roll tubes

  • Potting soil

  • Seeds of your choice

  • Eco-friendly decorative materials (biodegradable paint, natural twine, plant-based stickers)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Gather Your Tubes: Collect those toilet roll tubes. It's okay if they're a bit crinkled - it adds character!

  2. Eco-Friendly Decoration: Time to spruce up your tubes. Use biodegradable paints or plant-based stickers for decoration. This step is crucial to ensure that your entire planter remains environmentally friendly.

  3. Create the Base: Gently fold the bottom of the tube to close one end. This will be the base that holds your soil and seeds.

  4. Planting Time: Fill the tubes with potting soil and plant your seeds. Whether you choose flowers, herbs, or vegetables, they'll all thrive in these cozy homes.

  5. Watering and Growth: Place your planters in a well-lit area and keep the soil moist. You'll soon see signs of life as your plants start to grow.

Why It’s a Green Choice:

These toilet roll planters are the epitome of sustainable gardening. They decompose naturally, so you can plant them straight into your garden, minimizing root disturbance and enriching the soil as they break down.

Extra Green Tips:

  • Keep your planters in a tray to maintain stability.

  • For added flair, create a hanging planter with biodegradable twine.

  • Patience is your best friend in gardening. Relish the growth process!


Creating these biodegradable mini planters from toilet roll tubes is not just a fun activity; it's a meaningful step towards sustainable living. It's a fantastic way to teach kids about recycling and caring for our planet while indulging in the joys of gardening. So, next time you finish a roll of toilet paper, remember the potential it holds for your garden!

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